With the ever-growing relationship between the geospatial and space sectors, Locate continues to further expand the educational content of the program each year. A reflection of that growing relationship is the fact that Locate23 was held in the Space Capital of Australia, Adelaide. This provided a chance for professionals from the space and geospatial sectors to come together to share views and explore opportunities for working together in fields such as PNT (positioning, navigation and timing), Earth observation and telecommunications.
Each year, the conference program is meticulously developed to cater for the needs and diversity of geospatial and surveying practitioners. The number of abstract and workshop submissions continues to grow, alongside the quality, and the value to those attending is undeniably beneficial to industry practices. Full our full list of previous conference programs, see below.
Whilst Locate has seen its fair of hurdles over the transitional period of the few previous years, the conference continues to not only widely exceed the expectations of delegates but have a positive impact on the geospatial sector of Australia and extended countries in the process. The rapid transition of our new surroundings has made the evolution of our industry apparent and beneficial and that’s why we look forward to seeing you at future Locate conferences, to join and discuss the latest technology and innovations in our industry.